
Neurocardiology (e-Book)

Neurocardiology--Anatomical and Functional Principles, by J. Andrew Armour, M.D., Ph.D.

Groundbreaking research in the field of neurocardiology has established that the heart is a sensory organ and a sophisticated information encoding and processing center, with an extensive intrinsic nervous system sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a "heart brain." This insightful 19-page monograph is authored by pioneer neurocardiology researcher Dr. J. Andrew Armour of the University of Montreal,...

Prijs (incl. BTW): € 7.99

Autonomic Assessment (e-Book)

Autonomic Assessment Report: A Comprehensive Heart Rate Variability Analysis--Interpretation Guide and Instructions

Intended primarily for researchers and health care professionals, this guidebook provides an excellent introduction to the use of 24-hour heart rate variability (HRV) analysis in the assessment of the autonomic nervous system. HRV analysis provides a unique window into the dynamics of sympathetic and parasympathetic control of the heart, is useful for assessing autonomic invo...

Prijs (incl. BTW): € 7.99

Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Test Performance in America's Schools (e-Book)

Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Test Performance: Results from the TestEdge National Demonstration Study

By Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D., Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Mike Atkinson, Lourdes Arguelles, Ph.D., and Robert A. Rees, Ph.D.

This 348-page e-Book is a comprehensive report titled— Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Test Performance in America’s Schools: Results from the TestEdge National Demonstration Study which was conducted by the Institute of HeartMath in collaboration wit...

Prijs (incl. BTW): € 7.99