Resultaten onderzoek
Hieronder staan een aantal nationale en internationale onderzoeken en/of studies naar gebruik van Hartcoherentietechnieken op onderwerp:
Hart- en vaatziekten & kanker
- A Controlled Pilot Study of Stress Management Training of Elderly Patients With Congestive Heart Failure, Frederic Luskin, in Preventive Cardiology 2002
- Lessons from Survivors: The Role of Recreation Therapy in Facilitating Spirituality and Well-Being
- Maximizing Performance while Reducing Risk
- Impact of workplace stress reduction on bloodpressure and emotional health in hypertensive employees, McCraty et al in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Volume 9, Number 3, 2003, pp. 355–369,
- HeartMath and Hypertension, mini trial in Arabia, 2010
- Coherence: a novel nonpharmacological modality for lowering bloodpressure in hypertensive patients, Global advances in health and medicine May 2012
- New Hope for Correctional Officers: An Innovative Program for Reducing Stress and Health Risks, McCraty 2009, Springer
Organisaties & Stress
- Groepsverslag Effectiviteit 1129 Individuele Coachtrajecten HeartMath Benelux, Soffos, mei 2018
- Heart coherence: a new tool in the management of stress on professionals and family caregivers of patients with dementia, Appl. Psychofysiol. Biofeedback, March 2015
- Biofeedback Intervention for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression among Graduate Students in Public Health Nursing, Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 2015, Article ID 160746
- Stress Management Based on Trait-Anxiety Levels and Sleep Quality in Middle-Aged Employees confronted with Psychosocial Chronic Stress, Psychology, Vol 5, 2014
- HeartMath in UK healthcare, does it add up?, Journal of holistic Healthcare, Spring 2013
- The Heart of Grinnel: a community wide rural health initiative, Alternative Therapies july/aug 2010
- The effect of a biofeedback-based stress management tool on physician stress: a randomized controlled clinical trial, open medicine 2011
- Biofeedback Intervention for Stress and Anxiety among Nursing Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial, ISRN Nursing, volume 2012
- Building Personal and Professional Resources of Resilience and Agility in the Healthcare Workplace, Teresa Britt Pipe et all, Stress Health (2011)
- Effectiveness of emWave biofeedback in improving heart rate variability to and recovery from stress, Appl. Psychophysiol Biofeedback, Jun 2014
Organisaties & kostenbesparingen
- Coherence and healthcare cost - RCA actuarial study: a cost-effectiveness cohort study, Alternative Therapies, Juli/Aug 2010
- Reformed church of America, analysis of HeartMath experience, nov 2009
- Improving the Bottom-Line, Delnor Hospital
- Return on investment when implementing the HeartMath System, white paper, 2009
Politie, defensie en gevangenis
- Building Resilience in an Urban Police Department, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Ramey et al, 2016
- Applying resilience promotion training among special forces police officers, Sage open april-june 2015
- Police department personnel Stress Resilience Training: an institutional case study,Global Advances in Health and Medicine, March 2014
- Heart Rate Variability and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Biofeedback, Volume 41, 2013
- Resilience Training Program reduces physiological and psychological stress in police officers, GAHMJ, nov 2012
- New Hope for Correctional Officers: An Innovative Program for Reducing Stress and Health Risks, McCraty 2009, Springer
- Health, Performance and Resilience
- Impact of the HeartMath Self-Management Skills Program on Physiological and Psychological Stress in Police Officers, 1999
- Impact of the Power to Change Performance Program on Stress and Health Risks in Correctional Officers, 2003
- Cardiac Coherence and posttraumatic stress disorder in combat veterans, alternative therapies jul/Aug 2010
- Impact of Positive Emotions Enhancement on Physiological Processes and Psychological Functioning in Military Pilots, Captain Kerstin Ferres Saint-Aubin, NATO, 2009
- The Investigation of Visual Attention and Workload by Experts and Novices in the Cockpit, 2013
- Een kloppend advies, een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de ervaringen en meningen van politieambtenaren wat betreft het onderdeel hartcoherentie binnen de training Mentale Kracht, Evelyn Cymbaluk, Juni 2014, Scriptie toegepaste psychologie
- Real-time imaging of stress-induced cardiac autonomic adaptation during realistic force-on-force police scenarios, J Police Crim Psych (2015) 30
- Methods for real-time assessment of operational stress during realistic police tactical training, Fenici, Handbook of police psychology, 2011
Chronische pijn
- Non-pharmacological intervention for chronic pain in veterans: a pilot study of heart rate variability biofeedback, berry, et al, Global Advances in Health, March 2014
- Heart Coherence Training Combined with Back School in Patients with Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain: First Pragmatic Clinical Results, Appl. Psychophysiol Biofeedback, Soer et Al, October 2014
Depressie & stress & schizofrenie & chronische vermoeidheid
- The effect of heart rate variability biofeedback training Psychological on stress and anxiety - a meta analysis, Psychological Medicine May 2017
- Physical Activity, Mindfulness Meditation, or Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for Stress Reduction: A randomized Controlled Trial, Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2015) 40:257-268
- Heart rate variability biofeedback therapy and graded exercise training in management of chronic fatigue syndrome: an exploratory pilot study, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 93 (2017)
- Effectiviteit van hartritmevariabiliteit-biofeedback als aanvulling bij behandeling van depressie en posttraumatische stressstoornis, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 58, 2016
- HeartRate Variability Biofeedback for major Depression, Maria Karavidas, PsyD in Biofeedback 2008,Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 18–21
- Afstudeerscriptie: "Kan Stress verminderen door het toepassen van hartcoherentie", Jolant van den Haspel, 2009
- Pilotonderzoek naar de effectiviteit van hartritmevariabiliteit-training, Maarten Koller, 2011
- A pilot study of heart rate variability biofeedback therapy in the treatment of perinatal depression on a specialized perinatal psychiatry inpatient unit, Archives of Women’s Mental Health , feb 2013, volume 16.
- Treatment of Anxiery and Stress with Biofeedback, Global Advances in Health and Medicine, Volume 1, nr 4, September 2012
- Cardiac coherence training to reduce anxiety in remitted schizophrenia, a pilot study, Appl. Psychophysiology Biofeedback sept 2015
Onderwijs & cognitieve functies
- A mixed method analysis of an Early Intervention Program for students with behavioural and concentration difficulties in two schools in Malmö, Sweden, Doctors thesis Jan 2015, Michael David Lynch
- An Institutional Case Study: Emotion Regulation With HeartMath at Santa Cruz County Children’s Mental Health, Global Advances in Health and Medicine, March 2014
- Coherence training in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: cognitive functions and behavioral changes Alternative therapies jul/aug 2010, Lloyd, Brett, Wesnes
- Cardiac coherence, cognitive function and enhancing safety performance using the HeartMath system, Yardley-Jones,Wesnes, 2006
- Emotion Self Regulation, Psychophysiological Coherence and Test Anxiety, Appl. Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2010
- Facilitating-emotional-self-regulation-in-preschool-children_sept09
- TestEdge® National Demonstration Study 2007
- The Garden of the Heart: HeartMath—The New Biotechnology For Treating Children with ADD/ADHD and Arrhythmia
- Improving Test-Taking Skills and Academic Performance in High School Students Using HeartMath Learning Enhancement Tools
- The Role of the Heart in Learning and Intelligence
- Early Childhood Development and Learning:What New Research on the Heart and Brain Tells Us about Our Youngest Children
- The effect of HeartMath Techniques on Emotional Intelligence, 2005, Dissertation Sarah Ruth Hake
Emoties & HRV
- De invloed van verschillende ademhalingsfrequenties op hartslagvariabiliteit, Saxion en UMCG, okt 2017
- Heart Rate Variability: new perspectives on Physiological mechanisms, assessment of self-regulatory capacity, and health risk, Global Advances in Medicine, Jan 2015
- Heart rate variability biofeedback: how and why doet it work? Frontiers in Psychology, July 2014, Lehrer, Gevertz
- History of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Research: a personal and scientific voyage, Biofeedback Fall 2013, Lehrer
- Cardiac Coherence, self-regulation, autonomic stability and psychosocial well-being, Frontiers in Psychology, sept 2014
- A healthy heart is not a metronome, Frontiers in Psychology, sept 2014
- Heart rate variability behavior at different stages of practice in Zen meditation: a study of the system dynamics using multiresolution analysis, Ren Andal Med Deporte, 2011, 4(2)
- The Coherent Heart, Heart–Brain Interactions, Psychophysiological Coherence, and the Emergence of System-Wide Order, Integral review Dec 2009, McCraty et al
- The Psysiological and Psychological effects of Compassion and Anger
- The Effects of Emotions on Short-Term Power Spectrum Analysis of Heart Rate Variability, McCraty, American Journal of Cardiology, vol 76 1995
- The impact of a new Emotiona Self-Management Program on Stress, Emotions, Heart Rate Variability, DHEA and Cortisol, McCraty et al, Integrative Physiological and Behavioural Science 1998, vol 33
- The effects of Heart Rythm variability biofeedback with emotional regulation on the atlethic performance of women collegiate volleyball players, dissertation Cynthia J. Tanis, 2008
- Increasing Performance of Professional Soccer Players and Elite Track and Field Athletes with Peak Performance Training and Biofeedback: A Pilot Study, Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, Oct 2016
- Samenvatting Onderzoeksrapport Project Peak Performance & Reducing Stage Fright: Implementatie HeartMath Methode bij studenten van het Prins Claus Conservatorium, juni 2010
- Implementatieonderzoek HeartMath Methode bij studenten van het Prins Claus Conservatorium, juni 2010
- Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers, frontiers in psychology, July 2013
- The journal of alternative and complementary medicine, volume 10, 2004 "Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1"
- The journal of alternative and complementary medicine, volume 10, 2004 "Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 2"
- Intuitive intelligence, self-regulation and lifting conciousness, Global Advances in Health and Medicine, March 2014
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