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Comparative study of the impact of active meditation protocol and silence meditation on heart rate variability and mood in women
Aim: The aim of this study was to understand the impact of an active meditation protocol on heart rate variability (HRV) and mood in women as compared to breath-focused silence meditation. Materials and Methods: Women experienced two different practices of 20 min each: (a) control group: silence meditation focusing on breath and (b) experiment group: active meditation that included four activities, each lasting for 5 minutes – (1) simple humming, (2) coherent heart-focused breathing with 5s of inhalation and 5s of exhalation, (3) coherent
lees verder...Physical Activity, Mindfulness Meditation, or Heart RateVariability Biofeedback for Stress Reduction
Abstract: In contemporary western societies stress is highly prevalent, therefore the need for stress-reducingmethods is great. This randomized controlled trial compared the efficacy of self-help physical activity (PA), mindfulness meditation (MM), and heart rate variability biofeedback (HRV-BF) in reducing stress and its related symptoms. We randomly allocated 126 participants to PA, MM, or HRV-BF upon enrollment, of whom 76 agreed to participate. The interventions consisted of psycho-education and an introduction to the specific
lees verder...Heart rate variability behavior at different stages of practice in Zen meditation: a study of the system dynamics using multiresolution analysis
The dynamic interactions between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) are responsible for the oscillations in heart rate known as heart rate variability (HRV). Thus, the importance of HRV as an indirect measure of the autonomic activity is widely known. Meditation is perhaps the best practice to investigate the intrinsic properties of the ANS, since it involves a state of complete physical immobility and absence of voluntary efforts. In this study we analyzed HRV during Zen
lees verder...Pilotonderzoek naar de effectiviteit van een hartritmevariabiliteit-training (Master thesis)
Inleiding: De hartcoherentietraining is gebaseerd op het beïnvloeden van de hartritme-variabiliteit(HRV). Aan de training worden stressverminderende eigenschappen toegekenddie een positieve invloed zouden hebben op het psychisch welbevinden. De hoofdvraag van het huidige onderzoek betreft of de hartcoherentietraining effectief is in het verbeteren van het psychisch welbevinden. De effecten van de hartcoherentietraining zullen worden vergeleken met de effecten van een mindfulnesstraining.
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