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Steekwoord: PTSS

Heart Rate Variability, Health and Well-Being: A Systems Perspective

The development of a new tool, analytic device, or approach frequently facilitates rapid growth in scientific understanding, although the process is seldom linear. The study of heart rate variability (HRV) defined as the extent to which beat-to-beat variation in heart rate varies, is a rapidly maturing paradigm that integrates health and wellness observations across a wide variety of biomedical and psychosocial phenomena and illustrates this nonlinear path of development. The utility of HRV as an analytic and interventive technique goes far beyond its original application as a robust predictor of sudden cardiac death. This Research Topic aims to provide a conceptual

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Heart Rate Variability and Cognitive Bias Feedback Interventions to Prevent Post-Deployment PTSD: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Gepubliceerd op: 20-07-2018

There is a long history of pre-deployment PTSD prevention efforts in the military and effective pre-deployment strategies to prevent post-deployment PTSD are still needed. Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled trial included three arms: heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB), cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I), and control. The hypothesis was that pre-deployment resilience training would result in lower post-deployment PTSD symptoms compared with control. Army National Guard soldiers (n =

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Effectiviteit van hartritmevariabiliteit-biofeedback als aanvulling bij behandeling van depressie en posttraumatische stressstoornis

Gepubliceerd op: 15-04-2016

ACHTERGROND: Hartritmevariabiliteitbiofeedback (hrvb) is een non-invasieve behandelwijze waarbij de patiënt verondersteld wordt te werken aan zelfregulatie van een verstoorde N.-vagusfunctie. De behandeling met hrvb is wellicht klinisch relevant bij stressgerelateerde stoornissen, maar wordt weinig toegepast in de reguliere behandeling. DOELOnderzoek van effectiviteit van hrvb als mogelijk psychofysiologische aanvulling bij behandeling van angst, depressie en de posttraumatische stressstoornis (ptss). METHODE:

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Cardiac Coherence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Combat Veterans

Gepubliceerd op: 01-06-2010

Background  • The  need  for  treatment  of  posttraumatic stress  disorder  (PTSD)  among  combat  veterans  returning from Afghanistan and Iraq is a growing concern. PTSD has been associated with reduced cardiac coherence (an indicator of heart rate variability [HRV]) and deficits in early stage information  processing  (attention  and  immediate  memory) in different studies. However, the co-occurrence of reduced coherence and cognition in combat veterans with PTSD has not been studied before. Primary Study Objective • A  pilot  study  was

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